13 Unspoken Rules of Womanhood That Every Female Should Know

In the intricate tapestry of womanhood, there are unspoken rules that bind us together, creating a sense of solidarity and mutual respect. These rules, often referred to as “girl code,” serve as a guide to navigate the complexities of female relationships and interactions. Recently, the women of the BuzzFeed Community shared their invaluable insights. Here are 13 unspoken rules of womanhood that every female should know:

Always Be Prepared
As a teacher who has had a hysterectomy, I always have pads and tampons. Girls know they can come to me whenever.

Safety First
My friend and I made a pact always to have each other’s locations turned on. Just in case something happens.

Sensitive Inquiries
As an incredibly pale blonde whose eyebrows are invisible without makeup, I’ve been asked several times if I am feeling sick when I am just not wearing makeup. It hurts your feelings and makes you self-conscious the rest of the day. If you aren’t sure, just ask, ‘Hey! How are you doing?’ or ‘Hey! How are you?’ Simple greetings also ask how they are.

Wardrobe Malfunctions
I once ran a full block to let a girl know her flouncy shirt was hitched up by her bag, and everyone could see her butt. She was so grateful once I stopped panting.

Look Out for Each Other
If you see a really drunk girl — I don’t care if she’s your enemy — you’re on her team, and you keep an eye on her. My niece’s biggest ‘enemy’ was drunk at a party, and even after a minor verbal scrap with my niece, she kept an eye on her. Girls looking out for one another.

Support in Tough Times
If your friend is in a toxic relationship and stays in it longer than you think she should, continue to listen and support her, no matter how frustrated you might get.

Help Out During Events
If they’re hosting, help out during the party so they can actually enjoy their own event. Women put a lot of pressure on themselves and never want to ask for help.

Read: 13 Things Men Need to Know About Women Over 50

Discreet Honesty
If their clothes are see-through in a way you can’t tell if it’s on purpose or not, you let them know in a discreet, non-judgmental way. They might know their bra is showing and love it, or they might have shifty lighting in their room and have no idea. A quick ‘Looks great, you know it’s see-through?’ can save some embarrassment!

Truth Over Comfort
I was the person who told another woman that her man was cheating on her. I was not anticipating the fallout. The whole friend group exploded. Friendships ended that weren’t even related. But the woman believed me, investigated, dumped his ass, and has expressed how grateful she is that I was brave enough to tell her. She didn’t deserve everyone knowing she was getting cheated on and just not telling her.

Respect Life Choices
Don’t criticize her life choices. You love being a career woman, and she’s a happy stay-at-home mom (or the other way around)? It’s okay. You enjoy casual sex, and she’s waiting for her wedding night (or the other way around)? It’s okay. It just means you’re different people.

Know About: Secrets to Staying Young: 15 Easy Habits You Can Start Today!

Never Ditch a Friend
Never ditch a girlfriend for anyone. If you’re out with a friend and meet someone or run into someone you’d rather be with, just don’t.

Share Essentials
If you have an extra hair tie and someone asks, give it over. You will have a friend for life!

Safety Reminders
When someone is leaving to go home, remind them to let you know when they get back safe.

These unspoken rules highlight the importance of empathy, support, and solidarity among women. By adhering to these principles, we can foster a stronger, more compassionate community where every woman feels valued and understood.

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